
  • Sendi Eka Nanda Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gunadarma
  • Septi Widyanti Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gunadarma


Dramaturgi, Reinsurance, Leadership


The goal of this study was to know the dramaturgy staging of Orang-Orang di Tikungan Jalan. The methods used in this study are qualitative with interviews, library studies and observation observations conducted directly against the object in question. Informant at the director of this research. The theory that uses the leadership of the 3 Likert Sutadara system determines the basic concepts of folk manuscripts at the bend of the road and each section can adapt to find ideas according to the division of each team. The director implements four primary, secondary, linear and circular communication processes. The Director adopts a dramatic and animated Expresive communication style, to demonstrate the seriousness of the face and tone of speech, as if ordered that the subject matter is crucial to work with. Advice from researchers to academics for subsequent research is expected to continue this research from the content aspect of the message script or communication pattern.


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Internet :

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How to Cite

DRAMATURGI TEATER ORANG-ORANG DI TIKUNGAN JALAN. (2020). Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 10(1), 41-46. https://jurnal.akmrtv.ac.id/jk/article/view/258