Interpersonal Communication, User, Privacy, E-counselling, NetnographyAbstract
This study aims to determine the communication privacy management process of user / client towards e-counseling, that is counseling through online media. The researcher tries to reveal and analyze the way user / client manages his privacy in online media, which is an e-counseling service called Ibunda. Counseling activities are carried out through long distance communication mediated by LINE, WhatsApp and website. The user / client doesn’t meet directly with the psychologist / counselor. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach because it tries to explain how the communication privacy management process is carried out. Using a constructivist paradigm with netnography research strategy. Data collection techniques by interviews, observation and documentation. The research subjects used purposive sampling and obtained 6 users of user / client from “Ibunda" e-counselling. The results found that the user / client organizes their personal information through several processes, which is, the user / client believes that their personal information is his, then the user / client follows the privacy rules they have to reveal personal information, then the user / client becomes open and trusts in Ibunda, after that the user / client and Ibunda coordinating mutual privacy boundaries, and finally there are no parties that violate the boundaries, therefore the relationship created between the user / client and Ibunda is well maintained.
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