Communication Management, Implementation, Open Systems TheoryAbstract
The This study aims to describe how the implementation of services and the presentation of public information with an online system at the PR of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Researchers want to see how the performance of services and public information presentation after having an information management system based on an online database. This study uses a qualitative approach with a constructivism paradigm. The data analyzed are the results of interviews with the public relations service section and the presentation of public information. The results showed that the implementation of the implementation of services and the presentation of public information with an online database system in the public relations of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry was quite easy in the performance of members of the service section and presentation of public information. Even so, from the interview results, the author found that not all archive data owned by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry can be entered into the system database, due to system limitations, the need for better system development and updating in the public information service website and online database. So that new data is inputted only from 2019 and 2020 for now. The results also showed that there was no significant change in communication management in the mechanism of service flow and the presentation of public information at KLHK because the use of online database systems and online services was only a tool to facilitate and accelerate information transactions. And the speed of information transactions also varies depending on what category of information requested by the information requestor. In its own communication management, it still uses disposition letters as a necessity for a government bureaucratic system in order to preserve the professionalism and legality of agencies.
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PPID. Visi dan Misi Humas KLHK diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari 2020 dari
PPID. Struktur Organisasi Humas KLHK diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari2019 dari
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