Groupthink, Group communication, Group Communication StrategyAbstract
Competence Education Division is part of the community of Foster's brother who has an important role in reviewing the related teaching as effective if it can be implemented in Foster brother. This study aims to determine how the process of group communication and strategies undertaken by the Education Division of Competence in building motivation and self-development in a foster sister. The method used in this research is descriptive and qualitative methods of sampling using non-probability sampling using groupthink theory. The research data obtained by observation and in-depth interview to the chairman and members of Competency Education division. The results showed that the group that conducted the communication process PenKom Division this in two ways: face to face and online. At the time of the discussion group members still maintain the integrity of each other and no one dominates. All task groups or directives given by the chairman discussed together - together and find a way out which is best applied in accordance with their respective duties. The strategy used in developing learning motivation and personal development by giving reward and bring the profession, in order to foster sister get more science and extensive knowledge. All task groups or directives given by the chairman discussed together - together and find a way out which is best applied in accordance with their respective duties. The strategy used in developing learning motivation and personal development by giving reward and bring the profession, in order to foster sister get more science and extensive knowledge. All task groups or directives given by the chairman discussed together - together and find a way out which is best applied in accordance with their respective duties. The strategy used in developing learning motivation and personal development by giving reward and bring the profession, in order to foster sister get more science and extensive knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Zalfa Zhafirah Rahmani, Yanti Trianita, Bonar S Panjaitan

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