BSMI, disaster handling, Communication disasterAbstract
This research communication assumed the title of in charge of disaster management bsmi in handling tackling disaster a subsequent devastating tsunami in pandeglang banten. Communication a calamity is communication were not only when emergency but also at the time pre disaster or preparedness and after the or the term rehabilitas and rekontruksi. The formulation problems in this research is based on the purpose of a problem that formulation on hence writers explain the purpose is to do research disaster communication red crescent (bsmi) indonesia in response to the tsunami in pandegelang banten. The theory that is used that is the theory the act of max webar is a the act of individual so they can be them to take them in as long as the act of of the meaning or significance subjective for themselves instruments of music and he will guide him the actions of someone else. This study using methods deskritif qualitative. The research results show that communication bsmi disaster reduction tsunami in pandegalang banten by means of communication process is not only the emergency but also at the time a preparedness, pre after a disaster or the rehabilitation and rekontruks.
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