Covid-19, Hoax, New MediaAbstract
The development of technology and information has made the use of the internet also significantly increased, this is of course inseparable from social media users. Instagram is one of the most visited media by social media users, especially college students. The use of social media is not all positive, many social media users take advantage of this media for things that are negative in nature and can harm all parties, one of which is spreading fake news or hoaxes. With this, this study aims to determine the attitude of AKMRTV Jakarta college students class of 2017 in responding to the influence of the spread of hoax news related to Covid-19 which is spread through Instagram social media. The theory in this study uses the Theory of Response Organism Stimulus (SOR), where this theory describes a simple communication process that only involves two components, namely the mass media and message recipients to find out how a person responds when receiving a stimulus. This research was conducted quantitatively with a descriptive approach and used a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The sampling technique is determined by the Slovin formula with the consideration that the use of this formula will produce a relatively larger number of samples, so that the characteristics of the population will be better represented by a total sample of 125 respondents. The results showed that there was a significant influence between the spread of Hoax Covid-19 news on Instagram on college student attitudes.
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