SNA, Information, Covid-19Abstract
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the teleconference zoom application to work from home at PT. jababeka infrastructure. Teleconference implementation has a positive effect both simultaneously and partially on employee work. To improve employee performance, company management should pay attention to the application of teleconferences which can increase the effectiveness of employees' work. Researchers used qualitative descriptive research methods, because researchers wanted to examine the effectiveness or success of a zoom application on employees of PT. Jababeka. Technologies such as interactive video and telephone systems make it easier for employees to work at home using only laptops and the internet. Therefore, the existence of a teleconference using the zoom application makes employees feel a little easier and safer when working from home. This research uses descriptive qualitative research type, describing or constructing in-depth interviews with research subjects. Then the research uses a qualitative descriptive design, namely research that describes or describes the object of research based on the facts that appear or as they are. The results of this study indicate that the use of the teleconference zoom application is quite effective when WFH is working from home. With a small bandwidth and a free application that makes this application very efficient to use. However, after researching the zoom application also has several shortcomings and there are obstacles when used, such as limited usage time when conducting meetings, only about 45 minutes and the network of each user which is not stable makes the use of the zoom application a little hampered.
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