Instagram, Social Media, Narcissism, Selfie, Uses and GratificationAbstract
The development of technology, information and communication has made it easier for people to interact through social media. One of the most used social media today is Instagram. There are even some people who have narcissistic behavior on social media Instagram. The purpose of this research is to find out how narcissism shapes the representation of Instagram users' happiness. This study uses the Uses Gratification theory which explains that media users have an active role in choosing and using the media, so that it can be said that media users are active parties in the communication process. With a descriptive qualitative approach. The informant selection technique in this study used purposive sampling. The results of this study indicate that narcissistic behavior towards Instagram users has led to narcissistic behavior, active Instagram users feel they are the greatest, indicating that these people will not feel ashamed to show off whatever they upload to strengthen their self-image. Apart from feeling that you are the greatest, feeling yourself as a unique person or having your own character to be liked by others is also one of the narcissistic attitudes shown by narcissistic audiences, especially on social media Instagram. In this study, many Instagram users think that they are beautiful, good, and deserve to be considered special in the eyes of others.
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