Virtual Ethnography, Social Identity, Self Categorization, Cultural Communication, ConstructivismAbstract
The rapid development of the internet has made internet users widespread. Nowadays, electronic communication networks themselves cannot be separated from human activities. Internet facilities are increasingly being used by the general public, from watching videos, listening to songs, sending short messages via social media to playing games. At the moment game online is not negative if its use is appropriate and has a positive impact as in competition game online which is competitive and provides income for the players. It is evident that nowadays e-sport has received full support from the government, namely, with the presence of competitions that make players gamers even more competitive to produce a value. Squad The Nine Souls is one squad in Depok City. The purpose of this research is to find out how culture virtual which formed on squad The Nine Souls and how the Social Identity emerged in Squad The Nine Souls. The method used in this study is the Virtual Ethnography method with a qualitative approach and uses the Social Identity Theory model of Self Categorization. The paradigm used in this research is constructivism by using interview, documentation, and observation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the culture of communication that is created is babbling as well as the Social Identity created in the Self Categorization model squad The Nine Souls can maintain their image as a cohesive group and have high self-confidence.
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