
  • Ajeng Widia Rasma Dewi Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gunadarma
  • Christiana Wulandari Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Gunadarma
  • Fery Harianto Akademi Komunikasi Media Radio & Televisi Jakarta


Tourism Communication, City Branding, Tourism Office


This research is based on nine tourism communication concepts formulated by Burhan Bungin consisting of marketing communications, destination brands, tourism communication management, transportation communication, tourism visual communication, tourism group communication, tourism online communication, public relations and MICE and tourism communication research. This study aims to determine how tourism communication in building the image of the city of Lebak namely 'Lebak Unique'. This is motivated by the existence of the 'seven wonder of Banten', two of which are located in Lebak Regency, which then tourism is used as a vision and mission of the Regent of Lebak itself. In practice, the Lebak Regency Tourism Office has implemented a variety of strategies and approaches to advance the Lebak tourism sector, thus the branding of the city to be developed can be immediately achieved. One of the ways undertaken by the Lebak Tourism Office is to advance the creative economy sector, approach with destination managers, the presence of tourism ambassadors, the use of online media and also tourism awareness groups that are indeed under the auspices of the Lebak Tourism Office. This study uses a descriptive study research method with a qualitative approach. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data. For data collection techniques by observation, interview and also documentation. The analytical method used is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.


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How to Cite

KOMUNIKASI PARIWISATA DALAM MEMBANGUN CITY BRANDING LEBAK UNIQUE. (2020). Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 10(1), 66-77. https://jurnal.akmrtv.ac.id/jk/article/view/261