Leadership Style, Leaders, PT. Unirama Duta NiagaAbstract
Communication in an organization occurs because of interactions between individual organizations. Interaction occurs with everyone in the organization, both superiors and subordinates. Leadership is a process or style of someone to influence others. In carrying out its functions, the leader needs to pay attention to his leadership style. Leadership style is one way for leaders to move their members in carrying out work activities properly and optimally. PT Unirama Duta Niaga is a company engaged in developing goods distributors. The purpose of this study is to determine the leadership style used by PT. Unirama Duta Niaga Cibubur and Sunter Branches. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by collecting data through interviews as primary data, documentation and non-participant observation as secondary data. The selected informant as the resource person is the leader of PT. Unirama Duta Niaga Cibubur and Sunter Branches. From the results of this research it can be concluded that Mr. Yanuar Husein as Sunter Branch Operational Manager has a dominant leadership style such as Training, Role and Delegating. As for the approach taken using a participatory approach using the GII leadership style. While Mr. Aris Dinomo, as the Operational Manager of the Cibubur Branch, applied the leadership style of Governing, binding and Training. The approach used is a consultative and participatory approach using the CII and GII leadership styles. Using star communication patterns or all channels. Communication that occurs bidirectional.
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