Legal Communication, Immigration, Compliance Gaining StrategieAbstract
The Immigration Study, which has been dominated from a Legal Science perspective, turns out to be fluid and dynamic. Communication Science as a branch of Social Sciences can be used to understand social phenomena in the field of immigration. The use of the Communication Science perspective in reading and analyzing social phenomena in the field of immigration is a relatively new thing in Indonesia but is increasingly showing its urgency in the study of Legal Communication. The purpose of this study is to describe the communication strategy of immigration officers in obtaining community compliance who apply for immigration services, especially, passport applications. Using the Compliance Gaining Strategies Theory and constructivist approaches and phenomenological research strategies, the study found a number of forms of communication strategies used by immigration officers at the The Immigration Office (Class I TPI) of Bandung. First, foot-in-the-door or communicating immigration rules by and by to the applicant to get the compliance. Second, disrupt-then-reframe, which stimulates the applicant to talk a lot and then waits for the right moment to request compliance from the applicant regarding immigration rules. Third, the self-promotion strategy by showing that the rules told by the officer to the applicant as evidence of the kindness of the officer so that the applicant is willing to obey and the passport application can be processed instead of complicating the process. Fourth, the cultural approach is to use the native speaker's language in communicating the immigration rules. This research is expected to expand the study of Communication Studies in the field of Immigration which is still rarely done in Indonesia as well as affirming the view that communication occurs in every aspect of life.
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