Communication Campaign, Computer Mediated Communication, Social Network Analysis, #dirumahajaAbstract
This study aims to determine the communication network on the distribution of information on the hashtag #dirumahaja during the COVID-19 epidemic in Indonesia. Using Communication Network Analysis theory is a method that can simply be defined as a method that seeks to describe and explain social networks and network structures and Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) theory is communication between two or more people mediated by computers. The Social Network Analysis model provides statistical tools for examining relational data not only on the characteristics of individual actor attributes, and focuses on explaining the relationship patterns between actors, and analyzing the structure of these patterns using the Gephi application. The method used in this research is a quantitative method using the Social Network Analysis model of Netlyc and Gephi. Population of 1000 links by active twitter users, with a total sample of 1000 recalled by netlytic. The results of this study found that there is an eigenvector centrality in the @bnpb_indonesia account with a perfect score of 1.0 as the frequently mentioned account, betweeness centrality @kemenkesri 13.5 as a liaison in the distribution of link information, and closeness centrality as many as 120 people who are the main actors whose existence is so popular.
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