Social media, Tiktok, Personal Branding Content CreatorAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine the personal branding analysis of content creators on the Tiktok application (case study of the Tiktok @ecifresh account). The method in this research uses descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The theory used in this research is the personal branding theory put forward by Peter Montoya which assumes that the voice that comes from an individual is more trusted than that of institutions or companies. The resource person in this research is Eci as the owner of the Tiktok account @ecifresh. The results of the research show that Eci fulfills the eight dimensions of Montoya's personal branding. Eci specializes in reviewing food and spices and achieving income on Tiktok. Eci has honesty in food reviews, has a candid nature so that the content he creates does not contain falsehoods, always exists and is also consistent in creating content with different foods, always paying attention to developmentsin trends every day. The conclusion in thisresearch isthat Ecisucceeded in fulfilling the eight dimensions of Montoya's personal branding with the most visible dimensionsin his Tiktok account, namely the dimensions of specialization, personality, difference and visibility.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dhea Shefira Ananda, Ari Muharif Mulyadi, Mufni Alida, Ahmad Yazid Lubis
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