Campaign Communication, Covid-19, Network CentralityAbstract
Social media plays its own role as a battleground for rhetoric and discourse that thrives in crisis situations. Twitter, with its technological capabilities, makes it easy to share information quickly and makes extensive use of social networks, this has an impact on the way information is distributed and developed. With the interaction and participation, messages can be received through the delivery of opinions that aim to have a certain impact or effect. This research uses a case study to see how the centrality of the #KarantinaW Wilayah communication campaign network is during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This research uses network theory which is based on actors and relations which describe the communication structure and the position of the actors in the communication structure. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with a post-positivist paradigm using Social Network Analysis. The results of the study found 5 large clusters as actors of the communication campaign @tirta_hudhi, @jokowi, @irwanprayitno, @capekajagini, and @rimayantinu_. In this investigation, we can see various patterns and efforts to disseminate and amplify information carried out on Twitter, how actors build the #KarantinaW Wilayah communication campaign and reveal that the rhetoric that occurs in a subspace is connected to the larger social world as an interactive communication campaign process Twitter.
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